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International Rare Disease Day

Today is 29 February, the rare day, which comes once in 4 years, the last day of the calendar winter and the International Rare Disease Day. The latter was announced by EURORDIS, the European Orgnisation for Rare Diseases. In the non-leap years this day is celebrated on 28 February.

The aim is to draw the public opinion to the issues of people with rare diseases as well as to raise the public awareness of rare diseases and their impact on people’s life. Cystic fibrosis is also considered to be a rare disease as, in spite of the information age, the public still has very little knowledge about this disease.

Among its other activities the charitable fondation «Ostrova» pays much attention to sharing information and knowledge with people about cystic fibrosis and the issues related to its care and diagnostics. Taking the opportunity, we would like to express gratitude to the doctors, patient’s associations and other people concerned for their cooperation and help for the sake of CF patients!
