From 15 to 16 July, Simferopol hosted the conference Aspects of Outpatient Observation of Cystic Fibrosis Patients for outpatient care physicians.
Medical institutions in the Republic of Crimea currently have 43 patients with cystic fibrosis; most of them are children. The conference was held for the first time, and its purpose was to enhance awareness of cystic fibrosis treatment among outpatient physicians from various cities in the Republic of Crimea.
The conference featured presentations by leading Russian experts on the treatment of adults and children with cystic fibrosis, as well as by a representative each from the PARI company and the Ostrova Charitable Foundation.
The first day of the conference took the form of lectures with discussions. On the second day, the invited experts held consultations, which took place in parallel with a workshop on kinesiotherapy for children and parents of cystic fibrosis patients.
A total of 80 people attended the conference, including young patients and their parents.
The conference was organized under the auspices of the Initiative charitable programme, with the active involvement of Anna Merenkova from the regional branch of the Help for Cystic Fibrosis Patients: Breathe Easy in Crimea! interregional non-governmental organization, with the support of the Republican Children’s Clinical Hospital in Simferopol, and with financial support from the Ostrova Charitable Foundation.