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On 13 September a kinesitherapy office will open in Chuvashiya

Since 2007, the pulmonary department of the Russian Children’s Clinical Hospital in the Republic of Chuvashiya (Cheboksary), a state healthcare institution (GUZ  “RDKB”), has operated the Republic Centre for the Diagnosis, Treatment, and Rehabilitation of Children with Cystic Fibrosis. This centre sees 35 children with cystic fibrosis from the Republic, as well as patients from neighboring regions.

 In 2015, the pulmonary department of GUZ “RDKB,” jointly with the Dvizheniye Chuvash Regional Public Organisation , applied to participate in the Ostrova Foundation’s Kinesitherapy charitable programme and received an opportunity to obtain special-purpose funding. In the spring of 2015, two specialists underwent training cycles on physical therapy and kinesitherapy with the Foundation’s support at the Pavlov First Saint Petersburg State Medical University (in St Petersburg) and began working with the children immediately upon their return.

In 2016, work began to build an office for the maintenance and installation of medical and sports equipment.

The kinesitherapy office at RDKB will formally open on 13 September. 

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