The St Olga City Children’s Hospital in St Petersburg has received a special fixed station for charging oxygen tanks.
Seriously ill cystic fibrosis patients usually have oxygen concentrators for home use, but oxygen supply is a problem when they are outside the home.
The Ostrova Charitable Foundation has acquired a Home Fill 2 oxygen station for the pediatric cystic fibrosis clinic to use in charging portable oxygen canisters.
Now patients can buy oxygen canisters that are compatible with this station and move about outside the home (for doctor visits and various tests, as well as for recreation and attending school). All cystic fibrosis patients in St Petersburg and the Leningrad region can use the station regardless of their age.
We are grateful to Mediflex, the company that supplied the equipment, for being attentive to the needs of cystic fibrosis patients and for providing a discount.