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Cystic Fibrosis School to be held place in Murmansk

A Cystic Fibrosis School is to be held on 2-3 December 2016 at the Murmansk Children’s Hospital.

Pulmonologists, paediatricians, as well as parents of cystic fibrosis patients, will participate in the school. Galina Kuptsova, a physician from the Morozov Children’s Hospital in Moscow, will conduct a seminar on kinesiotherapy, as well as a seminar for parents on the second day of the School. Olga Poletaeva, a medical psychologist and psychotherapist from St Petersburg, will advise on psychological aspects of treatment and will also speak to parents of patients from the Murmansk region.

The school is part of the Murmansk regional unit of the Help for Cystic Fibrosis Patients project, funded by the Initiative Programme of the Ostrova Charitable Foundation.
