In January 2017, the project aimed at providing psychologic support to patients with cystic fibrosis was launched in the city of Perm. The project was presented by the MechtaYazhit (Dreaming To Live) Perm organisation at the Initiative-2016 contest and was supported by the Ostrova Charitable Foundation.
The project implementation will take place until May 2017 providing individual counselling for families who have children with cystic fibrosis, and for patients themselves, young and adult.
The problem of psychological aid to patients with cystic fibrosis and their families is very vital, because every family that gets a child with a complex and incurable disease faces very big difficulties both in terms of accepting the fact of disease and in terms of building further life with various restrictions and complications.
Qualified psychologists from the Center for Psychologic, Pedagogical, Social and Medical Aid in Perm will take part in the project. More information can be found by the link on the web-page of MechtaYazhit organisation.