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Cystic fibrosis treatment conference was held on 31 March in Khabarovsk

The conference was devoted to interdisciplinary approach to CF diagnostics and complications therapy. Leading specialists from Moscow and St Petersburg arrived to Khabarovsk to participate in this event.

Taras Borisenko, pulmonologist from St Petersburg St Olga City Children’s Hospital, gave a report on main issues of diagnostics, treatment and health assessment.  

Stanislav Krasovsky, pulmonologist from Moscow Children’s Hospital No. 57, talked about specific issues of cystic fibrosis treatment in adult patients. These problems become more and more important when patients are transferred to «adult medical network.»

Galina Kuptsova, kinesiotherapist from Moscow Morozov Children’s Hospital presented types and techniques of kinesiatrics, emphasizing its role in complications prevention.

Olga Poletaeva, psychologist from St Petersburg brought to notice the importance of psychological help for CF patients and their parents. Julia Shamanovskaya, a representative of a patient-led organisation from St Petersburg shared her experience of parent groups and informed about possibilities of cooperation with Ostrova Charitable Foundation.

During the conference parents of children with cystic fibrosis could communicate with invited psychologist and ask questions.

The audience consisted of about 20 people, including doctors and patients’ parents.

The event was held thanks to the active participation of Khabarovsk community of patients’ parents and to the financial support of Ostrova Charitable Foundation
