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A doctor from St Petersburg completed an online-course on CF by the Royal Brompton Hospital

As part of its Training Programme, the Ostrova Charitable Foundation has supported participation by Victoria Makhmutova (a doctor at St Petersburg Municipal Hospital No. 2) in the online study course ManagingtheCareofChildrenandAdultswithCysticFibrosis developed at the Royal Brompton Hospital (UK). 

Victoria has kindly shared her impressions with us:

‘It is a highly informative, succinct and interesting course, taught by Europe’s leading specialists. The programme is most suitable for clinical physicians. It is split into eight modules, each module covering a specific topic and ending with a test. What I particularly liked is the extensive list of references covering the most recent information on cystic fibrosis in the world; one can study the papers on the reference list after the end of the course.’

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