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UK Doctor visits St Petersburg cystic fibrosis centres.

Invited by the Ostrova Charitable Foundation, on 30 April, Susan Madge from the Royal Brompton Hospital, London, visited the cystic fibrosis centres for adults and children in St Petersburg. 

Susan Madge is head of the training course Clinical aspects of supporting children and adults with cystic fibrosis, accessible online for Russian doctors.

In 2016-2017, Ostrova supported three doctors from St Petersburg, for them to attend and successfully complete the course; so we were happy to welcome Susan in person.

During her stay, Ms Madge learnt about the setup of cystic fibrosis centres and met doctors who support this group of patients. The doctors exchanged opinions on aspects of treatment. Susan shared with her Russian colleagues experience of dealing with administrative issues at Brompton when supporting people with cystic fibrosis.
