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‘The Devil’s Gene’, a book about genetic diseases, has been translated into Russian

Ostrova Charitable Foundation has published online Russian translation of The Devil’s Gene by Prof. Barouch Maurice Assael.

The book by Barouch Maurice Assael is about ethic and economic aspects of preventing genetic diseases, including cystic fibrosis, about individual and social responsibility of a gene mutation carrier, about success of some models for combatting the spread of genetic diseases and failures of others, about new eugenics and hopes for recovery.

The book has been published for non-commercial purposes and will be of interest to non-specialist readers. The e-book ‘The Devil’s Gene’ is available for downloading from the Cystic Fibrosis Library section.

assael maurice baroukh

Barouch Maurice Assael

(born 1947 in Alexandria, Egypt) worked at the Mario Negri Institute, Milan, taught paediatrics at the University of Milan and was Director of Cystic Fibrosis Centre in Verona. He has written various articles about paediatrics and infectology published in international scientific journals and is the curator of The Dictionary for Vaccination (1994). He has published such works as Wonderful inoculation. Social history of vaccination (1996) and Soul disease. Epilepsy of ‘800 and ‘900 (together with Giuliano Avanzini, 1997).

Since 2016, Barouch Maurice Assael has been a member of the board of trustees of the Ostrova Charitable Foundation. 
