Everyone who has suffered from a fungal disease knows that the treatment can be very difficult and lengthy. Cystic fibrosis patients are extremely prone to development of mycoses and mycobacterioses. For that reason it is very important for doctors to diagnose these conditions in a timely and accurate manner, prescribe effective medicines, and choose the proper treatment regimen. That is impossible without a good microbiological laboratory and qualified bacteriologists.
The Ostrova Charitable Foundation provides financial support for bacteriologists from around Russia who want to improve their qualifications in the field of cystic fibrosis care.
The training course “Laboratory Mycology” was hosted by Kashkin Research Institute of Medical Mycology from June 6-27 in Saint Petersburg. Tatiana Efimova, a bacteriologist and head of the bacteriology laboratory of the Regional Clinical Hospital named after S. V. Belyaev, Kemerovo, and Andrei Kozlov, a bacteriologist at the Samara State Medical University Microbiology Department, took part in the course. The Ostrova Charitable Foundation helped to organize this event by paying for the doctors’ accommodations and transportation.
During the course, the doctors acquired practical skills needed for mycosis diagnostics by working with laboratory materials taken from cystic fibrosis patients. They were guided by Tatiana Bogomolova, PhD, who is an associate professor at the Medical Microbiology Department of North-Western State Medical University named after I.I. Mechnikov and head of the Mycological Monitoring and Fungal Biology Laboratory of the Kashkin Research Institute.