Ostrova Charitable Foundation has published a Russian translation of «ESPEN-ESPGHAN-ECFS guidelines on nutrition care for infants, children, and adults with cystic fibrosis».
Malnutrition often accompanies cystic fibrosis (CF) and can be both a symptom and a concomitant pathology. A patient’s nutritional status is closely associated with pulmonary function and survival, so nutrition care is a part of standard CF treatment. The ESPEN, ESPGHAN, and ECFS guidelines are concerned with various aspects of CF nutrition care.
The Russian translation was completed by Future Actually Charitable Translators Community. Natalia Kashirskaya (MD, professor, and chief researcher for the genetic epidemiology lab at the FSBI Research Centre of Medical Genetics) and Elena Roslavtseva (PhD, senior researcher at the Department of Nutrition for healthy and sick children at the Ministry of Health’s FSII National Research Centre for Children’s Health), edited the translation.
The consensus is available for review on our website under the Library section. Printed copies of the publication will be distributed, in limited numbers, amongst doctors treating patients with cystic fibrosis.