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Cystic Fibrosis School

On April 20-21, 2018 Kolomna (Moscow Region) will host the All-Russian Cystic Fibrosis School with participation of representatives from theother countries “Personalised Medicine and Cystic Fibrosis”. The event is held under the auspices of the Ministry of Public Health of the Russian Federation, Ministry of Public Health of Moscow Region, Russian Medical Geneticists Society, Medical Scientific Genetics Centre, Moscow Region Consultation and Diagnostics Centre for Children, All-RussianAssociationforPatientswithCysticFibrosis.

School steering committee:

S.I. Kutsev, E.I. Kondratieva, N.Yu. Kashirskaya, I.G. Soldatova, V.L. Izhevskaya, R.A. Zinchenko, T.E. Gembitskaya, V.D. Sherman, N.D. Odinaeva, E.L. Amelina.

The CF School will be attended by specialists who help patients with cystic fibrosis (paediatricians, general practitioners, pulmonologists, gastroenterologists, endocrinologists, geneticists, nutritional specialists, emergency physicians, transplantologists, clinical pharmacologists, microbiologists, physiatrists, abdominal surgeons, research associates from various regions of Russia.

The general program of School is as follows: cystic fibrosis epidemiology in RF, data from the National Cystic Fibrosis Patient Register, organisation of cystic fibrosis centres, modern methods of diagnosis of cystic fibrosis, cystic fibrosis genetics, personalised therapy, microbial processes and cystic fibrosis, antibacterial therapy and antibiotic resistance, cross-infection prevention, complications, nutrition support to patients, adult cystic fibrosis, lungs and liver transplantation, psychology.


Research Centre for Medical Genetics, Cystic Fibrosis Scientific and Clinical Unit

Address: 1 Moskvorechie Str., 115478 Moscow

Phone: 8(495) 111-85-80, 8 (495) 587-33-66, fax: 8(495) 324-07-02

Professor Elena Kondratyeva, Head of Cystic Fibrosis Scientific and Clinical Unit at Research Centre for Medical Genetics, M. D. Contacts:  +7 (495) 587-33-66.

Victoria Sherman, Medical Head at Cystic Fibrosis Centre, e-mail: tovika@yandex.ru

Official event organiser: Medical Business Solutions and Consulting LLC. Contacts: 8 (495) 135-35-11 (office), 8(926)6090327 (mob.), www.mbrc.ru

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