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The 9th scientific and practical conference on cystic fibrosis took place in St. Petersburg

On May 18-19, 2018, the 9th Annual Northwestern Scientific and Practical Conference on CYSTIC FIBROSIS with International Participation, Practice of Cystic Fibrosis Treatment: Microbiology, Pulmonology, Endocrinology Issues, was held in St. Petersburg.

The event was attended by about 170 people from 60 regions around the country. The speakers included specialists from Russia, as well as doctors from Germany, Sweden, Italy, Denmark and Israel.

The conference lasted two days. Each day consisted of two blocks: presentations, answers to questions and interactive sections on the narrow topics of therapy for cystic fibrosis and concomitant diseases. The conference ended with a large medical consultation, during which atypical clinical cases of patients were examined.

One foreign speaker, Dr. Manfred Ballmann, Prof. MD, Paediatric Clinic,  University of Medicine (Germany, Rostock), gave a detailed account of clinical prescriptions for diabetes mellitus. Dr. Niels Hoiby, Holder of post-doctoral degree in medicine; Prof., Immunology and Microbiology Department at Copenhagen University; Clinical microbiology Department, Rigshospitalet, Denmark, Copenhagen, presented the report «New Achievements in Mycobacteria Issue.” Dr. Stefano Aliberti, Associate Professor of Medical Sciences and the Consultant, Department of Pathopsychology and Transplantations, Milan University, Therapeutic Department,  Center for Respiratory Pathologies and Cystic Fibrosis  for Adults  (Italy, Milan), discussed cases of cystic fibrosis bronchiectasis versus non-cystic fibrosis bronchiectasis  with attendees. Prof. Birgitta Strandvik, MD, PhD, Dpt. of Bioscience and Nutrition, Karolinska Institute, Novum (Sweden, Stockholm), gave two presentations that highlighted some issues of dietetics and gastroenterology: Linoleic acid — a Necessary Nutrition Component by Cystic Fibrosis and Digestion and Nutrition  of Children  with Cystic Fibrosis. Prof. Baroukh Maurice Assael, MD, Associate Professor of Paediatrics, University of Milan (Italy), the leading Consultant of the Conference Committee on CF in St. Petersburg, member of the supervisory board of the Ostrova Charitable Fund, provided a short message of importance to the medical community: New in Cystic Fibrosis in the Last Year — Literature Review.

This year for the first time, the conference included sections on ENT pathology and a special Microbiology section for bacteriologists. Supervisors of bacteriological laboratories and leading specialists from 14 regions around the country attended the latter session. Attendees discussed pressing issues concerning the performance of microbiological studies in laboratories of regional medical institutions and the draft of clinical recommendations entitled «Cystic Fibrosis: Microbiological Diagnosis of Chronic Respiratory Infection».

The participants were extremely interested in the sections on the B. cepacia complex: The Organization of Hospital Treatment and Out-Patient Maintaining at Combined Pathology, Computer Tomography, and Cystic Fibrosis Bronchiectasis Versus Non-Cystic Fibrosis Bronchiectasis.

We would like also to mention the work of the section “Psychoemotional Condition of the Patient as Treatment Factor”, where the paediatrician and medical psychologist presented clinical cases and attempted with the participants to analyze the main psychological issues and problems that arise when informing a family of a diagnosis, and the nuances of psychological support in managing patients with serious conditions.

The final program of the conference.

Conference materials are available for viewing on Google Drive:

Foto, reports May 18

Foto, reports May 19

