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The internationally supported All-Russian Science and Training Conference Methods of Physical Rehabilitation with Cystic Fibrosis will take place on 5-6 April 2019 in St. Petersburg.
The following experts who work with cystic fibrosis patients are invited to attend:
- therapeutic physical training and sports medicine doctors
- therapeutic physic training instructors
- rehabilitation specialists and medical massage therapists
- physiotherapists and physical therapy nurses
Transportation and lodging for conference participants will be paid for by the Ostrov Charity Foundation.
Professionals from cystic fibrosis centers in Italy, Israel, and Russia will share their experience with event participants.
Conference topics:
- Structuring and organizing therapeutic physical training for cystic fibrosis patients in hospitals and cystic fibrosis centers
- Health and disease control during consultations and in practice: robes, masks, gloves, processing modes, etc. Algorithms and options for separating patients by flora.
- Breathing exercises used in practice. Advantages of selectel models and the grounds for such decisions.
- Medical equipment used in practice and criteria for choosing. Example: insufflator-exsufflator, HFPV ventilators, CPAP, and more.
- Outpatient practice and consultation; organization thereof.
- Home exercise. Custom patient plans.
- Patient supervision before and after lung transplants.
- Organizing work with terminal patients (severe oxygen deprivation, reanimation).