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Plans for 2019

All charitable programs from the fund will continue in 2019. 

In January, a new call for papers (monographs, dissertations, published scientific and research articles) on research in the field of studying and treating cystic fibrosis will be announced under the Science program. This year, the event will be run in conjunction with the organizational committee of the XIV National Congress of Contemporary Issues of Cystic Fibrosis. 
Throughout the year, the Foundation will consider applications from patient organizations for implementing projects under the Initiative and Kinesiotherapy programs. Also throughout the year, applications will be accepted from doctors who are ready to take part in the Doctor Continuing Education program. The Chopin Award 2019 has changed its dates and will be open in December. 

As part of the CF Info program, videos on kinesiotherapy and print materials for doctors, patients, and their relatives will be issued. 
The Foundation supports scientific and training conferences on cystic fibrosis and will continue to help patient organizations from all over Russia in their work.

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